Santinig – 02/08/25 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
In today’s gospel, Jesus boarded Simon Peter’s boat and told him to cast his net for a catch. Simon an d his friends caught enough to fill two boats. When Jesus invited them to become fishers of men, they left all to follow him.
All songs are in “United in Christ” Music Book unless otherwise noted.
Mass Settings – Mass of Christ the Savior (MCS)
Responsorial Psalm and Gospel Acclamation – See Missalette
Mass Songs
Mass Part | Song Title | UC Song# |
1 Gather | SING TO THE MOUNTAINS | 721 |
2, 3 Kyrie, Gloria | Mass of Christ the Savior | 1, 2 |
4 Ps RA38 | In the sight of the angels I will sing your praises, Lord. | Ps 100 |
5 Alle RA39 | Acclamation No. IV | Ps 102 |
6 Prep | THE SUMMONS | 616 |
7-9 Holy to Amen | Mass of Christ the Savior | 5, 7, 9 |
10 L/G | Mass of Christ the Savior | 10 |
11 Com | HERE I AM, LORD | 611 |
12 Com 2 | SERVANT SONG | 631 |
13 Birthday | ||
14 Sending Forth | I WILL CHOOSE CHRIST | 205 |