Knights of Columbus

The original St. Leander Council of the Knights of Columbus was founded as
Council 3637 on May 31, 1953. The Council was active and supported
St. Leander Church activities until the leadership passed away. The first
Grand Knight was Alex Lacharite and the Advocate Chaplain was Fr. Philip
J. Ryan.

In 2010, Manuel Diaz renewed interest in the Knights of Columbus at St. Leander
and a new Council, St. Leander Council 16028 was formed. The Council supports Church activities including serving at Masses, serving on parish boards and assisting with fundraising activities for the parish and school.

For more information, contact the current Grand Knight, Sir Knight (SK) Joseph Gapasin at (510) 712-0070 or the Deputy Grand Knight, SK Chris Fleming at (510) 919-4854 or email the latter at

Knights of Columbus Serving the Community

Upcoming Events

7:00 am Mass Intentions for Daily Mass @ St. Leander Church
Mass Intentions for Daily Mass @ St. Leander Church
Feb 19 @ 7:00 am – 8:00 am
Dear St. Leander’s Community, As we gather today for Mass, let us hold in our hearts the intentions of our fellow parishioners and the needs of our community. Daily Mass...
7:00 am Mass Intentions for Daily Mass @ St. Leander Church
Mass Intentions for Daily Mass @ St. Leander Church
Feb 20 @ 7:00 am – 8:00 am
Dear St. Leander’s Community, As we gather today for Mass, let us hold in our hearts the intentions of our fellow parishioners and the needs of our community. Daily Mass...
7:00 am Mass Intentions for Daily Mass @ St. Leander Church
Mass Intentions for Daily Mass @ St. Leander Church
Feb 21 @ 7:00 am – 8:00 am
Dear St. Leander’s Community, As we gather today for Mass, let us hold in our hearts the intentions of our fellow parishioners and the needs of our community. Daily Mass...
7:30 am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Feb 21 @ 7:30 am – 8:30 am
The Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will resume on Friday, December 3 after the 7am mass. La Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento se reanudará el viernes 3 de diciembre después de...
8:00 am Mass Intentions for Saturday Masses @ St. Leander Church
Mass Intentions for Saturday Masses @ St. Leander Church
Feb 22 @ 8:00 am – 7:30 pm
Dear St. Leander’s Community, As we gather today for Mass, let us hold in our hearts the intentions of our fellow parishioners and the needs of our community. Today’s Mass...