Advisory Boards
The pastor is responsible for the overall welfare of the parish and is accountable to the bishop. The pastor works collaboratively with two main advisory boards – Pastoral Council and Finance Committee. Although the councils act as advisory or consultative bodies for the pastor, he participates and fully collaborates in the workings of the councils. He presides over the meetings, but does not necessarily facilitate or chair them. Together with the councils the pastor leads the parish in the ongoing discernment and realization of its mission.
Advisory Boards
Desirable Qualities of Council Members
- Registered and participating member of the parish
- A working knowledge of parish life
- A desire for prayer and spiritual growth
- Committed to the vitality of the total parish
- An ability to listen to the needs of the parishioners
- Willing to work in a team environment
- Eager to carry out the parish mission
- Open to study and reflection
- Willing to commit time and energy
- Willingness to empower others
- Has working knowledge of accounting, finance, investment, development, budget, and law, as appropriate.
Pastoral Council
The Pastoral Council is a group of volunteer parishioners who, together with the pastor, acts as an advisory or consultative structure in a parish designated primarily to envision, plan and oversee the mission of the parish community as an extension of the mission of Jesus.
The council does not manage parish operations. The members meet with the pastor and offer him the wisdom of the community. The council is responsible for seeing the bigger picture of the parish. The work of the pastoral council embraces all the pastoral dimensions of the parish. In addition to doing long range planning, the council members deal with whatever pastoral concerns the pastor brings before them.
The Pastoral Council collaborates with staff members, parishioners, committees, ministries, and organizations to carry out this vision. Pastoral Council members normally serve a three-year term. Three new members are commissioned each year through a discernment process conducted each Fall. Currently, Pastoral Council members do not have a set term of service.
The Pastoral Council meets on the second Tuesday of each month. Parishioners wishing to bring issues before the council may submit their request to the Parish Office.
Our Pastoral Council Members
Fr. Hugo Franca (Pastor)
Tess Morales (Chair)
Rose Contillo
Ana Diaz
Chris Fleming
Sandra Hylton
Fanny Li
Victor Madrigal
Marivic Matias
Lorin Peters
Margaret Sousa
Fanny Wan
Finance Council
The Finance Council is a group of volunteer parishioners who serves as an advisory or consultative body to the pastor in the administration
and stewardship of parish finances, budget, parish facilities and long range financial development.
Members of the Finance Council are appointed by the Pastor on the basis of their expertise in business administration, accounting, finance, investment, development, and budget. Currently, Finance Council members do not have a set term of service.
Our Finance Council Members
Fr. Hugo Franca (Pastor)
Jeff Brehm (Chair)
Rob Long
Mary Burke
Juana Loza