Our Lady of Fatima Society of San Leandro: Our Lady of Fatima Festa Mass, Procession and Dinner

October 13, 2024 @ 4:00 pm
St. Leander Church and Ryan O'Connell Hall
550 West Estudillo Ave
San Leandro
Filomena Simao
510 638 3572

Calendar Announcement: Our Lady of Fatima Festa Novena Mass, Procession, and Dinner

Date: Sunday, October 13, 2024
Time: 4:00 PM
Location: St. Leander Church, St. Leander Parking Lot and Ryan O’Connell Hall

Join us for a special celebration of the Our Lady of Fatima Festa!  The evening will begin with a Mass, followed by a procession and a festive dinner.


  • 4:00 PM: Mass
  • 5:00 PM: Procession
  • 6:00 PM: Dinner

Dinner Details:

Free with current, paid membership
Non-Members: $20
Kids under 12: $10

Menu: Oven baked pork loin with sides, wine, soda and dessert
Optional: Bring a dessert to share.

Reservations (due Oct 4, No tickets at the door):

Contact: For reservation and more information, please contact:
Felomena Simao, President: 510-638-3572
Helder Quadro, Vice President: 510-357-5846
Gabriela Monteiro, Secretary: 510-775-3487

Come and be a part of this joyous occasion as we honor Our Lady of Fatima with prayer, fellowship, and celebration. We look forward to sharing this special evening with you!


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