Our Lady of Fatima Society of San Leandro: Our Lady of Fatima Festa Novenas

October 12, 2024 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
St. Leander Church, Ryan O'Connell Hall
550 West Estudillo Ave
San Leandro
Filomena Simao
510 638 3572

Our Lady of Fatima Festa Novena

Date: Saturday, October 12, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: St. Leander Church, Ryan O’Connell Hall

Join us for the Our Lady of Fatima Festa Novena, a special time of prayer and reflection as we honor Our Lady of Fatima. We will gather to pray the rosary, followed by a brief reflection and benediction.

All parishioners are invited to participate in this beautiful tradition as we seek the intercession of Our Lady of Fatima.

Coffee and bread reception to follow

Contact: For more information, please contact:
Felomena Simao, President: 510-638-3572
Helder Quadro, Vice President: 510-357-5846
Gabriela Monteiro, Secretary: 510-775-3487

Upcoming Events

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