Mass Intentions for Sunday Masses

December 15, 2024 @ 7:00 am – 2:00 pm
St. Leander Church
550 West Estudillo Ave San Leandro

Dear St. Leander’s Community,

As we gather today for Mass, let us hold in our hearts the intentions of our fellow parishioners and the needs of our community.

Today’s Mass Intentions:

Sunday, December 15, 2024
5:00 a.m. Simbang Gabi
7:00 a.m. Jayson Cleto & Reynaldo Navarro✝
9:00 a.m. Familia Aréchiga Guzmán✝
Joven Diego Canto Padilla✝
Niña Celeste De la Cruz Hernández✝ y Josefina Candia Calvario✝
María del Carmen Gutiérrez Becerra✝ Thomas✝ y Leopoldo Franco✝

11:00 a.m. 50th wedding anniversary of Cezar C. Balilo & Emerita O. Balilo
Joao Avila Gomes✝,
Maria Odete Camacho✝
1:00 p.m. Nuestros feligreses enfermos

We place in the hands of God those who are sick: Miguel Lopez, Ezekiel Velazco, Jean Young, Silvia Herrera, preemie twins Mia Elizabeth, Ava Isabell Abreu, Rogelio Agor, Jr., Kenneth Mestas and Ivonne Plascencia. Please let us know if your loved ones are better so we may take them off this list. Thank you.

Ponemos en las manos de Dios los que están enfermos: Alma Robles, Moisés García, Martin García, Paulina Peña, Mercedes Martha, Porfirio Loza, Griselda Martínez, Amber Cifuentes y Victoria Camarena. Favor de hacernos saber si sus seres queridos han mejorado para quitarlos de esta lista. Gracias.

We invite you all to join us in prayer and reflection as we lift up these intentions to the Lord. May our prayers bring comfort and strength to those in need.

“Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I with them.” – Matthew 18:20

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