English Cursillo Small Group Reunion

The Reunion is temporarily discontinued due to the pandemic.

Cursillos in Christianity, which means “a short course in Christianity” is a movement in the Roman Catholic Church to enable the baptized to have the knowledge and conviction to live and share what is fundamental for being Christian – to love God and neighbor – experienced through three essential encounters: the encounter of oneself, the encounter of Christ and the encounter with others.

Cursillo includes a three-day weekend which begins on Thursday evening and concludes on Sunday. During these three days, talks are given by lay persons and clergy. Activities are provided to experience the reality of the unconditional gift of God’s love through shared prayer, worship, and fellowship.

The Cursillo Small Group Reunion is a group of cursillistas who gather on a regular basis to share their spiritual journey through Piety, Study and Action. The St. Leander English Cursillo Small Group meets on the last Tuesday of the month from 7:00 p.m. -8:00 p.m. at the upstairs Fireside Room. Contact Tess Morales at tess.morales@yahoo.com for more information.

Upcoming Events

7:00 am Mass Intentions for Daily Mass @ St. Leander Church
Mass Intentions for Daily Mass @ St. Leander Church
Nov 26 @ 7:00 am – Dec 2 @ 8:00 am
Dear St. Leander’s Community, As we gather today for Mass, let us hold in our hearts the intentions of our fellow parishioners and the needs of our community. Daily Mass...
7:00 am Mass Intentions for Daily Mass @ St. Leander Church
Mass Intentions for Daily Mass @ St. Leander Church
Nov 27 @ 7:00 am – Dec 3 @ 8:00 am
Dear St. Leander’s Community, As we gather today for Mass, let us hold in our hearts the intentions of our fellow parishioners and the needs of our community. Daily Mass...
7:00 am Mass Intentions for Daily Mass @ St. Leander Church
Mass Intentions for Daily Mass @ St. Leander Church
Nov 28 @ 7:00 am – Dec 4 @ 8:00 am
Dear St. Leander’s Community, As we gather today for Mass, let us hold in our hearts the intentions of our fellow parishioners and the needs of our community. Daily Mass...
7:00 am Mass Intentions for Daily Mass @ St. Leander Church
Mass Intentions for Daily Mass @ St. Leander Church
Nov 29 @ 7:00 am – Dec 5 @ 8:00 am
Dear St. Leander’s Community, As we gather today for Mass, let us hold in our hearts the intentions of our fellow parishioners and the needs of our community. Daily Mass...
7:30 am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Dec 6 @ 7:30 am – 8:30 am
The Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will resume on Friday, December 3 after the 7am mass. La Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento se reanudará el viernes 3 de diciembre después de...