Hospitality Sunday (Domingo de hospitalidad)

Hospitality Sunday (Domingo de hospitalidad) on Nov 19th
Everyone is invited to meet other parishioners for fellowship on
Hospitality Sunday Nov.19th after the 7am, 9am, and 11am masses. Thanks to the Hispanic Collection Counters Team who will be serving hot drinks, doughnuts and Mexican bread.
Todos están invitados a reunirse con otros feligreses para tener compañerismo el Domingo de Hospitalidad el 19 de noviembre después de las misas de 7 a. m., 9 a. m. y 11 a. m. Gracias al Equipo de Contadores de la Colecta Hispana quienes estarán sirviendo bebidas calientes, donas y pan mexicano.

Upcoming Events

7:00 am Mass Intentions for Daily Mass @ St. Leander Church
Mass Intentions for Daily Mass @ St. Leander Church
Nov 26 @ 7:00 am – Dec 2 @ 8:00 am
Dear St. Leander’s Community, As we gather today for Mass, let us hold in our hearts the intentions of our fellow parishioners and the needs of our community. Daily Mass...
7:00 am Mass Intentions for Daily Mass @ St. Leander Church
Mass Intentions for Daily Mass @ St. Leander Church
Nov 27 @ 7:00 am – Dec 3 @ 8:00 am
Dear St. Leander’s Community, As we gather today for Mass, let us hold in our hearts the intentions of our fellow parishioners and the needs of our community. Daily Mass...
7:00 am Mass Intentions for Daily Mass @ St. Leander Church
Mass Intentions for Daily Mass @ St. Leander Church
Nov 28 @ 7:00 am – Dec 4 @ 8:00 am
Dear St. Leander’s Community, As we gather today for Mass, let us hold in our hearts the intentions of our fellow parishioners and the needs of our community. Daily Mass...
7:00 am Mass Intentions for Daily Mass @ St. Leander Church
Mass Intentions for Daily Mass @ St. Leander Church
Nov 29 @ 7:00 am – Dec 5 @ 8:00 am
Dear St. Leander’s Community, As we gather today for Mass, let us hold in our hearts the intentions of our fellow parishioners and the needs of our community. Daily Mass...
7:30 am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Dec 6 @ 7:30 am – 8:30 am
The Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will resume on Friday, December 3 after the 7am mass. La Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento se reanudará el viernes 3 de diciembre después de...