The Ministry of Music

Liturgical music allows the congregation and community to participate actively in the liturgy, relating to the two main parts to the Catholic liturgy – the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist. The combination of sacred music and words forms a necessary or integral part of solemn liturgy. “He who sings prays twice.”

Song and music fulfill their function as signs in a manner all the more significant when they are “more closely connected . . . with the liturgical action,” according to three principal criteria: beauty expressive of prayer, the unanimous participation of the assembly at the designated moments, and the solemn character of the celebration. In this way they participate in the purpose of the liturgical words and actions: the glory of God and the sanctification of the faithful:

      “How I wept, deeply moved by your hymns, songs, and the voices that echoed through your Church!         What emotion I experienced in them! Those sounds flowed into my ears, distilling the truth in my
heart. A feeling of devotion surged within me, and tears streamed down my face—tears that did me

The 6:30pm Spanish Choir

Santinig Choir
The Santinig Choir sings every Saturday at the 4:30pm Vigil Mass. It is composed of the members of the choir, cantors and instrumentalists. Rehearsals are on Saturdays from 3pm – 4pm before its mass service. The Choir focuses on both leading the congregation in song as well as singing songs that enhance the cultural richness of the People of God who celebrate. For information on joining the Choir, contact Tess Morales at (510) 826-8528.

The 9am Spanish Choir

The Sunday 11 o’Clock Choir
The Sunday 11 o’Clock Choir sings on Sundays at 11am. It is composed of the members of the choir, cantors and instrumentalists. Rehearsals are on Sundays at 10am before its mass service. For information on joining the Choir, contact Evelyn Gonzalez at (510) 895-5631.

The 1pm Spanish Choir
